Secure Multi
Crypto Wallet

Stake, exchange, earn and buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and thousands of other assets.

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Buy Crypto

Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and over 50 other coins and over 400К tokens

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Buy Crypto

Earn with Staking

Lots of trending assets available for staking
Up to almost 40% annual yield

Start Earning
Earn with Staking

Exchange Crypto

Instant crypto exchange for over 50 coins using your Android or iOS wallet

Exchange Now
Exchange Crypto

All Assets In
One Multi Crypto Wallet

Support for over 70+ major blockchains & over 400K tokens of all leading protocols. Stay in complete control of your assets.

Be In Charge Of Your Crypto

Guarda is an ultimate solution for modern crypto management. You can do it all from the comfort of one single app. Earn with staking, Purchase, Instantly Exchange at best rates, get crypto loans, add extra security layer with Multisignature, and the list goes on.

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